Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Theology of Hope

This quote embodies so beautifully the community I have found here in St. Stephen. Thank you to all who engage in it.

Prophetic imagination, or prophetic dreaming, keeping visions alive, is what stimulates diverse groups forming society into becoming a culture of life, a biophilic, life-loving culture, to use an ecological term. It is also an authentic dimension of being and becoming Church. Together with the power of dangerous memory, these two activities are at the heart of a theology of hope. For prophetic imagination is outrageous---not merely in dreaming the dream, but in already living out of the dream before it has come to pass, and in embodying this dream in concrete actions.

Prophetic imagination linked with dangerous memory - what an incredible combination.


1 comment:

Real Live Preacher said...

This is real live preacher. Trying to get in touch with you I think to get a number to a Canadian pharmacy you sent me once. If that's you, would you email me? Send to Gordon [at} real live